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Kunci Jawaban Tryout Piloting PPG Guru Tertentu 2024 untuk Mapel Bahasa Inggris


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1.     Middle school English teacher Mr. Adams has introduced a series of expository texts to improve students' reading and critical thinking skills. These texts cover pressing environmental issues like climate change, deforestation, pollution, and conservation efforts. Adams aims to raise awareness and foster responsibility towards the environment. However, many students show disinterest in the material, resulting in shallow answers and lack of depth. During listening activities, students appear distracted and lack engagement, missing core values and messages. Adams believes that understanding and internalizing environmental conservation values is crucial for academic growth and global citizenship development. To address this issue, Adams is exploring student-centered learning strategies that emphasize active participation, critical thinking, and personal connection to the content. He aims to create an engaging and interactive learning environment where students can see the relevance of environmental issues in their own lives and communities. He considers various approaches, such as project-based learning, collaborative group activities, and discussions, to encourage students to reflect on their impact on the environment. By making the learning experience dynamic and relatable, Adams hopes to develop a positive attitude towards environmental conservation and better understand the values embedded in the expository texts.

Given this situation, which of the following student-centered learning strategies would be most effective in helping Mr. Adams achieve his goals?
  • Assigning additional reading and comprehension exercises on environmental topics to reinforce the material.
  • Implementing a series of lectures and PowerPoint presentations to clearly explain the environmental issues.
  • Organizing a classroom debate on the causes and solutions to climate change to promote critical thinking and engagement.
  • Conducting project-based learning activities where students create and present solutions to local environmental problems.
  • Encouraging students to write essays on their personal views regarding environmental conservation and share them with the class. 

2.  Ms. Pita is an English teacher who is designing a lesson plan aimed at improving students' attitudes towards learning and their abilities in listening and speaking discussion texts. She also plans a student-centered learning emphasizing on knowledge construction and problem solving skills. By tailoring the learning experience to meet the needs and interests of the students, she can create a more conducive environment for learning. Which of the following strategies are effective in this context?

Click on the correct statements for the situation above. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Engage students in various activities that promote active listening skills, such as summarizing, paraphrasing, and asking clarifying questions during discussions.
  • Encourage open-ended discussions where students have the opportunity to express their opinions, ask questions, and engage in meaningful dialogue with their peers.
  • Foster individual learning experiences where students work individually to analyze discussion texts, write down the ideas, and construct meaning independently.
  • Provide students with real-life tasks or scenarios that require them to apply their listening and speaking skills in practical contexts, such as conducting interviews or participating in debates.
  • Provide students with memorization drills which enable students to internalize information, enhance their recall abilities, and develop stronger memory skills to retain facts, formulas, and vocabulary. 

3.    Ms. Gina recognizes the importance of creating a safe and supportive learning environment that fosters students' spiritual development, moral values, and self-reliance in reading short functional text announcements. She wants to ensure that her classroom atmosphere encourages students to embrace their faith, practice good deeds, uphold noble character traits, and become independent learners. Which of the following activities would likely achieve Ms. Gina's goals of promoting both religious values and learner autonomy?

  • Matching a lot of pictures of religious symbols with their various corresponding holidays.
  • Creating a poster advertising a school play, including some details about the play and ticket prices.
  • Analyzing a community service notice and how the act of volunteering aligns with values of helping in many religions.
  • Debating the importance of following rules based on a school notice about a new dress code policy.
  • Reading a notice about a lost pet and then writing a short story about how the pet is reunited with its owner.

4.   An English teacher, Mr. Toni, teaches students how to write announcements for a school event, which is crucial for effective communication in real-world contexts. However, students often struggle with understanding the underlying purpose and identifying the intended audience for these texts, which affects the relevance and impact of their writing. For example, students might include all necessary details but fail to tailor the tone and content to the target audience, resulting in generic or overly complex texts. This issue also extends to their reading and listening activities, where students focus primarily on factual content, missing the nuances related to the purpose and audience. To address these challenges, Mr. Toni considers various teaching materials and strategies.

Given this situation, which teaching material would be most effective in helping students understand the underlying purpose and identify the intended audience for writing announcements?
  • A collection of announcements with detailed annotations explaining purpose and audience.
  • A textbook focusing on advanced grammar and vocabulary exercises.
  • A series of worksheets that ask students to copy and fill in pre-written announcement templates.
  • A video series on the history of public announcements in different cultures.
  • A dictionary of commonly used terms in announcements.

5.  A group of students has recently completed a unit on report texts, covering both reading and viewing comprehension. The teacher, Mr. Deni is now seeking to design an engaging and effective learning strategy to help students consolidate their understanding and further develop their skills in analyzing and interpreting report texts.

Based on the students' prior learning experiences with report texts, which of the following learning strategies would be most appropriate to enhance their comprehension and critical thinking skills?
    • Conduct a class debate on the accuracy and credibility of various news sources.
    • Create a multimedia presentation showcasing the diverse features and applications of report texts.
    • Engage in a role-playing activity where students assume the roles of journalists and researchers.
    • Organize a collaborative project involving the analysis and comparison of different types of report texts.
    • Administer a comprehensive quiz to assess students' understanding of report text structure and content.

6.     Ms. Ratih is preparing a lesson on how to use a digital camera for her students. She aims to select appropriate media that effectively engage students and reinforce the key concepts of procedural texts. She carefully considers the strengths and limitations of each medium to ensure that it aligns with the learning objectives. To effectively support the teaching of using a digital camera, Ms. Ratih should prioritize utilizing which of the following media formats in her lesson?

  • An instructional video that demonstrates the camera's functions and features in real-time with narration or text.
  • A visual flowchart that illustrates the sequence of steps in operating the camera using symbols and arrows.
  • A written step-by-step manual with clear instructions and numbered paragraphs.
  • An interactive online simulation that allows students to practice using the camera in a virtual environment.
  • An audio recording of a photographer explaining the camera's settings and techniques in detail.

7.   Students in Ms. Lia's seventh-grade English class are learning about current events, and she is emphasizing the significance of developing their critical listening and speaking abilities. The fact that certain students have difficulty actively listening and participating in meaningful conversations about news items is something that she has observed. She is interested in doing an analysis of the elements that may be affecting their capacity to accomplish the learning objectives in the attitude domain. Based on the scenario and considering the factors that might influence the students' ability to achieve the learning objectives in the attitude domain, which of the following statements best explains the most likely reason for the students' struggle with critical listening and speaking skills in relation to news items?

  • The students lack prior knowledge about current events and global issues, making it difficult for them to grasp the context of news items.
  • The learning environment is not conducive to open discussions and active participation, discouraging students from expressing their thoughts and opinions.
  • The teaching materials and activities do not provide opportunities for students to practice critical listening and speaking skills in a meaningful way.
  • The students' assessment is primarily focused on factual recall and comprehension, neglecting the development of critical listening and speaking skills.
  • The students lack interest in news and current affairs, reducing their motivation to engage in discussions and activities related to news items.

8.  Mr. Zain is planning to assess their students' critical thinking skills in writing and presenting descriptive texts. He intends to choose an assessment method that will effectively measure students' understanding of the topic and their ability to apply their knowledge to create a well-structured and engaging presentation.

Which of the following assessment methods would be most appropriate for this purpose?

  • multiple-choice quiz.
  • A short essay.
  • A group project.
  • An individual oral presentation.
  • eA writing portfolio.

9.  Ms. Sri reviewed student expository texts and presentations, finding variations in organization, visuals, and clarity. What factor most likely explains the variations in students' success at writing and presenting these texts?

  • The topic difficulty
  • Research time
  • Technology access
  • Ms. Smith's feedback
  • Individual learning styles

10. Ms. Carter, an English teacher, is struggling to engage a diverse class with varying reading proficiency and interests. She uses various materials, such as cooking recipes, DIY project guides, and instructional manuals, to cater to different skill levels. However, many students struggle to understand the procedural steps outlined in these texts, leading to confusion and disengagement. Interestingly, students who enjoy hands-on activities, such as cooking or building, show more enthusiasm and better understanding of the texts when they are directly related to their personal interests. This disparity in engagement and comprehension highlights the need for Ms. Carter to tailor the input materials more closely to her students' individual interests and reading levels to maximize their learning potential. She plans to explore follow-up activities to better align the input materials with her students' diverse interests and reading abilities, ensuring a more inclusive and effective learning environment.


Given the diverse characteristics of her students and their varied interests, what follow-up activity should Ms. Carter implement to better match the input with her students' needs?
  • Increasing the length and complexity of the procedural texts to challenge advanced students.
  • Assigning additional grammar exercises to improve overall reading comprehension.
  • Conducting a survey to identify students' interests and selecting aligned procedural texts.
  • Scheduling more frequent tests to assess students' understanding of procedural texts.
  • Introducing fictional stories with procedural elements to diversify the reading material.

11. An English teacher, Mr. Rahmat has recently implemented a new instructional approach for teaching discussion texts. The approach involves incorporating various interactive activities, such as group discussions, debates, and role-playing exercises, to engage students in analyzing and evaluating different perspectives presented in discussion texts. After completing a unit on discussion texts, he is now seeking to evaluate the effectiveness of the new instructional approach and identify areas for improvement.

Based on the teacher's reflection on the implementation of the new instructional approach for teaching discussion texts, which of the following evaluation strategies would be most appropriate to gather comprehensive feedback and inform future instructional decisions?

  • Administer a standardized test on discussion text comprehension and analysis.
  • Conduct student interviews to gather individual perspectives on the effectiveness of the instructional approach.
  • Analyze student participation and engagement during class discussions and activities.
  • Collect and review student written work, such as essays and discussion summaries.
  • Observe and document classroom interactions during the implementation of the instructional approach.

12. Ms. Shinta wants to effectively communicate the results of her expository text writing and presentation assessment to students. She currently evaluates student work through written feedback and presentation grading. To enhance communication of students' learning achievements in expository texts, which approach should Ms. Shinta prioritize?

  • Implement a detailed rubric for grading written work and presentations.
  • Develop student self-assessment checklists to reflect on their work.
  • Hold individual conferences to discuss their strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Create a class report summarising overall trends and areas for improvement.
  • Implement a peer review system with written feedback forms.

13. Mr. Zakaria has a class of high school students with diverse cultural backgrounds. He plans to teach them how to design short functional texts like flyers and advertisements. To make the material relatable, Mr. Zakaria incorporates examples from various cultures and encourages students to bring their cultural perspectives into their projects. This approach aims to enhance students' engagement and understanding of the content. 

Which statements below do you think correct or incorrect for the situation? State your choice by clicking true or false for each statement below.




Encouraging students to incorporate their cultural perspectives can help make the learning material more relatable.

Using examples from only one culture will enhance the engagement of all students.

Incorporating diverse cultural examples helps address the varied cultural backgrounds of students.

Ignoring cultural diversity in examples will still make the lesson effective for all students.

Asking students to bring their cultural perspectives into their projects can enhance their understanding and engagement.

14. Ms. Karina is planning to develop a report writing lesson for her diverse class. An "Audio Mystery Object" activity with note-taking engages auditory learners. A video complements the audio, catering to visual learners. Research groups ensure collaboration and address kinesthetic learners. Presentations offer flexibility (traditional, interactive displays, documentaries) for diverse preferences. A rubric provided clear expectations. 

To ensure that the lesson is effective and engaging for all students, the teacher needs to consider the characteristics of the learners and structure the lesson.
Click on the correct statements for the situation above. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Provide a variety of listening and speaking activities that cater to different learning styles, such as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners.
  • Incorporate scaffolding techniques, such as providing graphic organizers and sentence starters, to support students with varying levels of proficiency.
  • Offer differentiated tasks and activities that allow students to work at their own pace and challenge level.
  • Encourage peer collaboration and group work to foster a supportive learning environment.
  • Utilize technology tools, such as online videos and interactive exercises, to enhance engagement and provide additional learning opportunities.

15. Mrs. Ika is teaching her students about discussion texts and has assigned them to write and present their opinions on a controversial topic. To ensure effective learning and assessment, she wants to tailor her instructional materials and evaluation methods to the specific characteristics of her students. In order to effectively evaluate students' discussion text writing skills, Ms. Ika should ... State your choice by clicking true or false for each statement below.





provide students with a rubric that outlines the criteria for successful discussion text writing.


lecture extensively about the different types of discussion texts before students begin writing.


incorporate a peer review component into her instructional materials and evaluation methods.


focus solely on assessing students' grammar and mechanics, neglecting the content and persuasiveness of their arguments.


allow students to choose their own controversial topics for their writing assignments, promoting their engagement and understanding of the topic.


16. Mr. Rivera teaches a class with a wide range of writing skills. He wants to design a lesson on writing expository texts that accommodates all students, from those who are just beginning to develop their writing skills to those who are more advanced. To do this, he plans to include scaffolded activities, peer review sessions, and opportunities for students to present their work. His goal is to create a supportive environment where all students can improve their writing and presentation skills.


Click on the correct statements that show teaching strategies that best suit the diverse writing skills of Mr. Rivera's students in the flow of teaching expository texts. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Scaffolded activities that gradually increase in complexity.
  • Solely focusing on grammar exercises.
  • Peer review sessions where students provide feedback to each other.
  • Lectures on the theory of expository writing.
  • Opportunities for students to present their work to the class.

17. An English teacher in Semarang is planning to develop a lesson plan on using expressions for social and classroom interaction. The teacher is aware that the class consists of students with diverse personalities and communication styles. To ensure that the lesson is effective and engaging for all students, the teacher needs to consider the characteristics of the learners and structure the lesson accordingly.

Which statements below do you think correct or incorrect for the situation? State your answer by clicking true or false for each statement below. 




The teacher should prioritize teaching formal expressions for classroom use.


The lesson should cater to different learning styles, such as auditory and visual.


The teacher can ignore the students' personalities while planning the lesson content.


The lesson should include opportunities to practice using the expressions in pairs or groups.


18.  Mrs. Rina has been assessing her students' discussion text writing and presentation skills. Based on the results, she identifies a need to incorporate strategies that promote higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) in her teaching. To develop students' HOTS in discussion text writing and presentation, which of the following strategies should be prioritized?

Click on the correct statements for the situation above. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Implement a peer review system with structured feedback forms.
  • Engage students in debates and discussions on controversial topics.
  • Provide students with pre-written discussion texts and ask them to analyse them.
  • Assign students to research and present complex arguments in their discussion texts.
  • Use graphic organizers to help students visualize and organize their ideas.

19. Ms. Sulis's approach to teaching report texts involves breaking down the text into sections and explaining each part thoroughly. She uses graphic organizers to help students visualize the structure of the report. Additionally, she incorporates group discussions where students can share their understanding and insights. However, she notices that some students still struggle with comprehending the overall purpose and coherence of the text.

Which statements below do you think correct or incorrect for the situation? State your choice by clicking true or false for each statement below.




Using graphic organizers helps students understand the structure of report texts.


Group discussions can help students share insights and deepen their understanding.


Focusing only on individual work without discussions is effective in building comprehension skills.


Skipping the breakdown of text sections and focusing on the whole text is more beneficial.


Combining visual aids with discussions enhances students' ability to comprehend report texts.


20. Mr. Iman is designing a learning environment to promote global citizenship and collaborative values among students while teaching descriptive texts. He recognizes the importance of creating a safe and supportive space where students feel comfortable expressing their diverse perspectives and working together to achieve common goals.


Which of the following elements are essential for creating a learning environment that fosters global citizenship and collaborative values in the context of teaching descriptive texts?


Click on the correct statements by ticking (√)! There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Display multicultural posters and artifacts around the classroom to represent different cultures and traditions.
  • Encourage students to share personal experiences and stories related to the descriptive texts they read and view.
  • Implement cooperative learning strategies, such as group projects and jigsaw activities, to promote teamwork and shared responsibility.
  • Establish clear expectations for respectful communication and active listening among students during discussions and activities.
  • Organize field trips and virtual exchanges to connect students with diverse communities and perspectives.

21. Mr. Sugeng recognizes the importance of fostering a safe and inclusive learning environment that promotes global citizenship and collaborative values in his descriptive text writing and presentation class. He wants to ensure that his classroom atmosphere encourages respect for diversity, cultural understanding, and teamwork. In order to effectively promote global citizenship and collaborative values in descriptive text writing and presentation, Mr. Sugeng should ...

State your choice by clicking true or false for each statement below. 




Include activities that require students to collaborate with classmates from different cultural backgrounds.


Integrate lessons on global citizenship into the curriculum.


Assign all writing tasks as individual work to ensure personal achievement


Foster an environment where only the dominant culture is highlighted.


Encourage students to give and receive constructive feedback on presentations.


22. Ms. Tati's students have previously struggled with engaging in recount texts. She wants to incorporate technology to enhance their reading and viewing experiences. Her goal is to make the texts more interactive and relatable. She is considering various technological tools such as interactive e-books, educational videos, and digital storytelling apps.

Which of the following technological tools would best suit Ms. Tati's goal of enhancing engagement with recount texts?

Click on the correct statements. There can be more than one correct statement.

  • Interactive e-books with multimedia elements.
  • Traditional paper-based reading materials.
  • Educational videos that visually depict the recount texts.
  • Digital storytelling apps that allow students to create their own recounts.
  • Standard classroom lectures without any technological integration.

23. Mrs. Zuleha is planning to develop a lesson plan on procedural texts, incorporating both writing and presentation activities. She is aware that the class consists of students with diverse learning styles and abilities. To ensure that the lesson is effective and engaging for all students, she needs to consider the characteristics of the learners and design the lesson accordingly.

Which of the following approaches would be most appropriate for designing a procedural text writing and presentation lesson that caters to the diverse learning styles and abilities of the students?
  • Provide a single, standardized writing and presentation task for all students.
  • Offer a variety of writing and presentation formats to accommodate different learning styles.
  • Implement a one-size-fits-all instructional approach that assumes all students learn in the same way.
  • Assess students solely based on the accuracy and completeness of their written and presented procedures.
  • Incorporate differentiated instruction to address the specific needs of students with varying levels of proficiency.

24. Ms. Nina teaches short functional text reading and viewing skills to a diverse group of students, including those with learning disabilities, visual impairments, and auditory processing challenges. She recognizes the need to adapt her teaching materials and activities to cater to the individual needs of each student. To effectively structure short functional text instruction for students with disabilities, which of the following approaches Ms. Nina should prioritize?

Click on the correct statements for the situation above. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Implement a uniform instructional plan for all students, regardless of their individual needs.
  • Utilize a variety of instructional materials, including multimedia resources, to engage students with different learning styles.
  • Provide students with opportunities to practice reading and viewing short functional texts in real-world contexts.
  • Employ assistive technology, such as screen readers and text-to-speech software, to support students with visual or auditory impairments.
  • Rely heavily on teacher-led instruction and direct explanations, limiting student engagement and independence.

25. Ms. Citra teaches a class that includes several students with visual impairments. She aims to develop their listening and speaking skills through recount texts. To accommodate these students, she considers various approaches such as audio recordings of texts, tactile graphics, and voice-assisted technologies. Her goal is to ensure all students can engage meaningfully with recount texts.

Which combination of approaches would be most effective for Ms. Citra to organize recount text learning for her students with visual impairments?
Click on the correct statements. There can be more than one correct statements.
  • Use audio recordings of recount texts.
  • Provide printed copies of recount texts in large font.
  • Integrate tactile graphics to represent key events in the texts.
  • Employ voice-assisted technologies for navigating and interacting with texts.
  • Use standard text-based assignments without modifications.

26. An English teacher in Papua is planning to develop a lesson plan on short functional texts, incorporating both reading and viewing activities. She is committed to creating an inclusive learning environment that caters to the diverse needs and abilities of all students. To ensure that the lesson is effective and engaging for all students, she needs to consider the characteristics of the learners and design the lesson accordingly.

Which of the following approaches would be most appropriate for designing a short functional text reading and viewing lesson that promotes an inclusive learning environment for all students?
Click on the correct statements for the situation above. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Provide a single, unmodified text for all students to read and view.
  • Offer a variety of reading and viewing materials that represent different cultures, perspectives, and abilities.
  • Implement a traditional instructional approach that assumes all students learn in the same way.
  • Assess students solely based on their ability to comprehend the literal meaning of the short functional texts.
  • Incorporate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to create accessible and engaging learning experiences for all students.

27.  Mrs. Lani is committed to creating an inclusive learning environment in her recount text listening and speaking class. She recognizes the need to structure her lessons and activities to accommodate the diverse learning needs of her students, including those with learning disabilities, language barriers, and cultural differences. To effectively organize recount text instruction for an inclusive learning environment, which of the following approaches should she prioritize?

  • Implement a rigid lesson plan with a fixed pace and limited flexibility.
  • Utilize a variety of assessment methods to gauge student understanding and identify areas for support.
  • Provide students with opportunities to share their personal recount experiences, fostering cultural understanding and empathy.
  • Employ differentiated instructional strategies, such as scaffolding, visuals, and manipulatives, to cater to students with diverse learning needs.
  • Rely heavily on teacher-led instruction and direct explanations, limiting student engagement and active participation.

28. Ms. Lia teaches a class of high school students with varying levels of language proficiency and cultural backgrounds. She aims to design a lesson on discussion texts that encourages all students to participate and express their viewpoints effectively. Ms. Lia is considering how to structure the teaching materials to accommodate these diverse student characteristics.

Which structures of teaching material would best suit Ms. Lia's diverse class in designing discussion text learning (listening and speaking)?

Click on the correct statements. There can be more than one correct statements.

  • Using simplified discussion texts with visual aids for lower proficiency students
  • Incorporating culturally relevant topics that resonate with students' backgrounds
  • Assigning the same complex texts to all students regardless of their proficiency
  • Focusing only on written discussion texts without any oral components
  • Providing discussion prompts and sentence starters to guide students' responses

29. Mr. Karno intends to create a multi-sensory descriptive writing lesson for his diverse class. Students analyze contrasting environments using videos and graphic organizers. They practice descriptive writing by rewriting poem sections and creating collaborative descriptive texts based on scenarios. Presentations showcase their work through dramatic readings, multimedia, or other creative formats. A "Sensory Scavenger Hunt" encouraged real-world application. In addition, he must take into account the unique qualities of each student and design the lesson in a way that will make it both effective and interesting for them all.

When teaching descriptive text writing and presentation, which of the following components should be included in the lesson plan to accommodate the various learning preferences and skill levels of the students?
Click on the correct statements for the situation above. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Give each student a single, uniform writing and presentation assignment.
  • Engage students with diverse learning styles, provide a range of pre-writing exercises.
  • Use an instructional strategy that believes every student learns in the same way, using a conventional approach.
  • Only evaluate pupils according to how well-written and presented their descriptions are.
  • Use differentiated instruction to meet the unique requirements of pupils with different skill levels.

30. Ms. Brown is committed to creating an inclusive learning environment in her recount text speaking class. She wants to ensure that her assessment indicators align with the appropriate content strands to accurately measure student progress and understanding. To determine the most suitable content strands for assessment indicators in her recount text speaking class, Ms. Brown should consider which of the following factors?

Click on the correct statements for the situation above. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • The student's ability to express their personal opinions and beliefs about the events.
  • The student's ability to use clear and organized recounted events.
  • The students' ability to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar for recounting events.
  • The student's confidence and engagement level during speaking activities.
  • The student's ability to adapt their communication style to different audiences.

31. Ms. Jeni wants to improve her students' creative reasoning abilities in studying narrative texts. She plans to focus on writing and presenting tasks that encourage students to think creatively about plot development, character motivations, and narrative structure. Ms. Jeni is considering how to formulate appropriate learning goals and indicators in the knowledge domain to support these objectives.

Which learning goals and indicators would best support Ms. Jeni's objective to improve students' creative reasoning abilities in narrative text study?
Click on the correct statements. There can be more than one correct statements.
  • Learning Goal: Students will be able to identify narrative elements in a text. Indicator: Students list the main characters, setting, and plot points of a story.
  • Learning Goal: Students will be able to create original narrative texts. Indicator: Students write a short story with a unique plot and well-developed characters.
  • Learning Goal: Students will be able to analyze the themes of narrative texts. Indicator: Students explain the moral or lesson of a story.
  • Learning Goal: Students will be able to present narrative texts effectively. Indicator: Students perform a dramatic reading of their written stories, highlighting key emotional moments.
  • Learning Goal: Students will be able to compare different narrative styles.Indicator: Students contrast the writing techniques of two different authors.

32.  Ms. Nisa, a creative teacher, made report writing fun for 8th graders. She fostered a safe space for sharing drafts and learning from feedback, even sharing her own struggles. Students explored their passions with diverse report topics, and drama activities like "cold reads" improved storytelling and subject understanding. Collaboration in research teams leveraged student strengths for high-quality work. The culmination wasn't silent submissions - it was a mini-conference with creative presentations, fostering knowledge exchange. Ms. Nisa's approach resulted in confident, expressive learners who not only wrote better reports but also learned to express themselves creatively.

Which of the following strategies would be most effective in establishing a safe and motivating learning environment for writing and presenting report texts?
Click on the correct statements for the situation above. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Establish clear expectations and rubrics for writing and presentation assignments.
  • Provide opportunities for students to share their personal experiences and perspectives in their reports.
  • Implement an instructional approach that emphasizes rote memorization of report writing conventions.
  • Assess students solely based on the accuracy and completeness of the information presented in their reports.
  • Create a classroom culture that promotes collaboration, mutual respect, and constructive feedback.

33.  Mr. Heri recognizes the importance of creating a safe and engaging learning environment in his narrative text writing and presentation class. He wants to ensure that his classroom atmosphere encourages creativity, self-expression, and active participation among his students. To effectively foster engagement and enhance the attractiveness of learning in narrative text writing and presentation, which of the following approaches would be appropriate?

Click on the correct statements for the situation above. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Implement a rigid curriculum with a fixed structure and limited flexibility.
  • Utilize a variety of assessment methods to gauge student understanding and identify areas for support.
  • Encourage students to share their personal narratives, promoting individuality and diverse perspectives.
  • Employ differentiated instructional strategies, such as scaffolding, visuals, and manipulatives, to cater to students with diverse learning needs.
  • Rely heavily on teacher-led instruction and direct explanations, limiting student choice and autonomy.

34. Mrs. Rania is committed to creating a student-centered learning environment in her expository text reading and listening class. She aims to develop engaging and relevant content that promotes active participation, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of expository texts. To effectively develop student-centered literacy learning content for expository text reading and listening, which of the following approaches should she prioritize?


Select the correct statements for the situation above. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Implement a teacher-directed curriculum with a focus on rote memorization and standardized tests.
  • Utilize a variety of authentic texts, such as news articles, scientific reports, and instructional manuals, to connect learning to real-world applications.
  • Encourage students to conduct their own research and present their findings on expository topics, fostering independence and inquiry.
  • Utilize strategies that focus on repetitive exercises like vocabulary lists and grammar drills.
  • Rely heavily on textbooks and worksheets, limiting student choice and opportunities for exploration.

35.  Mr. Doni is a dedicated teacher who strives to create engaging and effective learning experiences for his 7th-grade students. He believes that incorporating numeracy into various subjects can enhance students' understanding and appreciation of numbers. To achieve this, he is planning a lesson on news items, incorporating both numeracy and student-centered learning approaches. He also wants to increase students' collaboration skills in his learning.


Which of the following activities would be most suitable for Mr. Doni's lesson plan to effectively achieve his goal?
Select the correct statements for the situation above. There can be more than one correct statement.
  • Numeracy Scavenger Hunt: Divide students into groups and provide each group with a list of numeracy-related questions based on the news item. Students will work together to find the answers within the news item, encouraging collaboration and problem-solving skills.
  • Numeracy-Focused Discussion: After reading the news item, lead a class discussion focusing on the numerical data presented. Ask students in groups to analyze the data, identify patterns, and draw conclusions.
  • Numeracy Infographic Creation: Assign students to individually create an infographic summarizing the key points of the news item, incorporating relevant numerical data.
  • Numeracy-Based Role-Play: Divide students into groups and assign each group a role related to the news item, such as a journalist, a financial analyst, or a government official. Have each group prepare a presentation or role-play incorporating numeracy concepts.
  • Numeracy-Driven Debate: Organize a debate on the issues presented in the news item, encouraging students to use numerical data to support their arguments.

36.  Anda adalah seorang guru IPS SMP yang memiliki 1 orang anak yang bersekolah di PAUD. Hari ini Anda memiliki jam mengajar pada pukul 07.00 sampai dengan pukul 09.30. Selain itu, Anda juga diundang mengikuti pertemuan koordinasi di Dinas Pendidikan yang waktu tempuhnya 10 menit dari sekolah, mulai pukul 09.00. Anak Anda akan mengikuti lomba menari hari ini pada pukul 08.00, sedangkan pasangan Anda sedang dinas luar kota. Terdapat beberapa alternatif keputusan yang akan Anda rangkai sebagai berikut:

  1. mempersiapkan segala sesuatu untuk anak Anda dan mendampinginya saat lomba
  2. mempersiapkan segala sesuatu untuk anak Anda dan mengantar sampai ke sekolah
  3. melakukan pembelajaran IPS mulai 07.00 sampai dengan 09.30
  4. melakukan pembelajaran IPS mulai pukul 07.00 sampai dengan 08.50 dilanjutkan pembimbingan oleh guru piket
  5. meminta guru piket untuk mengganti pembelajaran IPS oleh guru piket
  6. mengikuti pertemuan koordinasi di Dinas Pendidikan mulai pukul 09.00
  7. mengikuti pertemuan koordinasi di Dinas Pendidikan mulai pukul 09.40 dengan ijin terlambat
Rangkaian keputusan yang akan Anda ambil adalah ....
  • 2, 4, 6
  • 2, 3, 7
  • 1, 5, 7
  • 2, 4, 7
  • 1, 5, 6

37. Seorang peserta didik di kelas Anda tertangkap menyontek saat ujian. Peserta didik tersebut mengaku melakukannya karena khawatir jika mendapatkan nilai jelek maka orang tuanya akan memberi hukuman. Tindakan yang harus Anda ambil untuk menangani situasi ini adalah...

  • memberikan nilai nol pada ujian tersebut dan tidak membahas lebih lanjut.
  • memberikan hukuman kepada peserta didik tersebut agar dia jera.
  • memanggil orang tua dan memberikan teguran atas tekanan berlebih yang diberikan kepada anaknya.
  • mengabaikan kejadian ini dan memberikan kesempatan kedua tanpa konsekuensi.
  • mengajak peserta didik tersebut berdiskusi secara pribadi, memberikan nasihat dan konsekuensi.

38. Beberapa siswa di kelas Anda tampak kesulitan mengikuti pelajaran dan sering kali tidak mengerjakan tugas dengan benar. Anda ingin mengetahui penyebab utama dari masalah ini dan mencari solusi yang efektif. Tindakan yang harus Anda ambil adalah

  • memberikan nilai rendah kepada siswa yang tidak mengerjakan tugas dengan benar sebagai peringatan.
  • memotivasi siswa untuk lebih keras belajar dan menyelesaikan tugas.
  • memberikan lebih banyak tugas untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa secara teratur.
  • mengamati perilaku siswa selama pelajaran untuk mencari pola kesulitan yang mereka hadapi.
  • menyampaikan penjelasan yang lebih panjang dan rinci tentang materi pelajaran dan tugasnya.

39. Saat Anda sedang melakukan pembelajaran geografi, seorang peserta didik tiba-tiba menginterupsi dengan mengatakan bahwa pembelajaran Anda membosankan dan membuatnya mengantuk. Peserta didik yang lainnya tampak terpengaruh oleh pernyataan ini dan mulai terlihat gelisah. Respon Anda terkait hal ini adalah ...

  • menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk membuka diskusi kelas sejenak tentang metode pembelajaran geografi yang mereka sukai.
  • menghentikan pelajaran sejenak dan meminta peserta didik tersebut untuk menjelaskan apa yang menurutnya lebih menarik dan efektif.
  • mengabaikan komentar peserta didik tersebut dan Pak Arbes melanjutkan pembelajaran geografi sesuai Modul Ajar yang telah dibuatnya.
  • meminta peserta didik tersebut untuk berbicara dengan Pak Arbes tentang keluhannya setelah pembelajaran geografi.
  • menegur peserta didik tersebut di depan kelas agar tidak mengganggu proses pembelajaran dan seharusnya bisa lebih sopan dalam mengemukakan pendapatnya.

40. Bu Enno melakukan pembelajaran Fisika kelas XI SMA. Pada saat bu Enno dan siswa sedang fokus pada penjelasan guru, Bu Enno melihat beberapa peserta didik tidak fokus dan mulai saling berbisik-bisik. Bu Enno tahu bahwa ini adalah materi yang penting dan membutuhkan konsentrasi penuh peserta didik agar dapat memahaminya. Tindakan paling tepat yang dapat dilakukan Bu Enno yaitu...

  • berjalan mendekati peserta didik tersebut sambil terus menjelaskan, setelah dekat Bu Enno berbisik kepada mereka untuk mengikuti penjelasan guru
  • Bu Enno fokus pada penjelasan, kemudian memberikan waktu senyap, lalu Bu Enno memperingatkan kepada mereka untuk mengikuti penjelasan guru
  • berjalan mendekati peserta didik tersebut sambil tetap terus menjelaskan, lalu kepada mereka menggunakan isyarat nonverbal untuk mengikuti penjelasan bu Enno
  • berjalan mendekati peserta didik tersebut sambil terus menjelaskan, setelah dekat Bu Enno memperingatkan kepada mereka untuk mengikuti penjelasan guru
  • berjalan mendekati peserta didik tersebut sambil terus menjelaskan, setelah dekat Bu Enno menegur halus kepada mereka untuk mengikuti penjelasan guru

41. Anda memiliki seorang peserta didik yang selalu berjuang dengan kepercayaan dirinya. Peserta didik ini sering merasa ragu dan takut untuk berbicara di depan kelas. sebagai seorang guru Bimbingan dan Konseling tentu Anda ingin membantu siswa ini. Namun Anda tidak memiliki jadwal tatap muka sebagaimana guru mapel lainnya. Dan ketika Anda mendapat kesempatan untuk membantu peserta didik tersebut, Anda juga diminta menjadi perwakilan sekolah pada Sosialisasi Pembentukan Tim Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan di tingkat kabupaten. Apa yang Anda lakukan untuk menjalankan dua tugas tersebut dengan optimal?

  • mengikuti pengasan dari sekolah dan meminta guru lain untuk memberikan tugas tambahan presentasi agar siswa tersebut dapat meningkatkan diri.
  • meminta guru lain mewakili sekolah dan fokus memberi kesempatan presentasi sederhana pada siswa tersebut, diberi pujian, lalu pada sesi berikutnya makin kompleks.
  • menunaikan tugas sekolah sebagai TPPK dan menghubungi orang tua siswa dan memintanya untuk menangani masalah ini.
  • mendahulukan penugasan dari sekolah dan mengabaikan hal tersebut, karena itu wajar sebagai bagian dari perkembangan siswa tersebut.
  • menunaikan tugas dari sekolah dan menjadwalkan untuk mengadakan percakapan pribadi dengan siswa tersebut agar memahami penyebab masalah yang dihadapinya dan mencari jalan keluarnya.

42. Sekolah Anda baru saja meluncurkan program kokurikuler baru yang bertujuan meningkatkan keterampilan literasi digital siswa. Namun, beberapa orang tua merasa program ini terlalu menuntut dan tidak sesuai dengan kurikulum utama. Yang akan Anda lakukan untuk mengatasi kekhawatiran orang tua dan memastikan program berjalan lancar adalah

  • mengabaikan kekhawatiran orang tua dan tetap melaksanakan program sesuai rencana
  • mengurangi beban tugas dalam program untuk mengakomodasi keluhan orang tua
  • memberikan pilihan tugas dalam program untuk mengakomodasi keluhan orang tua
  • mengadakan pertemuan dengan orang tua untuk mendiskusikan dan mendapatkan masukan mereka
  • menghapus program tersebut agar tidak menimbulkan konflik lebih lanjut

43. Anda merencanakan kegiatan kelompok dengan menggunakan teknologi komputer untuk mengerjakan proyek mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Namun, pada hari pelaksanaan, listrik di sekolah mati sehingga komputer sekolah tidak dapat digunakan. Respon Anda terkait hal ini adalah ...

  • meniadakan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia
  • menggunakan waktu tersebut untuk mengajarkan materi lain
  • membatalkan proyek dan memberikan tugas membaca secara berkelompok
  • mengubah peralatan penyelesaian proyek menjadi menggunakan alat tulis dan kertas
  • menunda proyek hingga listrik kembali menyala

44. Anda diundang sebagai peserta dalam sebuah saresehan yang diadakan oleh organisasi profesi guru. Saresehan tersebut membahas masalah rendahnya minat baca siswa di sekolah. Sebagai peserta, Anda diminta memberikan kontribusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Yang akan Anda lakukan untuk memberikan kontribusi yang efektif dalam seminar tersebut adalah

  • menyampaikan pandangan tentang teori-teori yang bertentangan dengan yang disampaikan narasumber terkait peningkatan minat baca
  • menyampaikan hasil observasi Anda terkait strategi yang telah diterapkan teman-teman guru untuk meningkatkan minat baca
  • menyampaikan upaya meningkatkan minat baca berdasarkan kajian pustaka
  • menyampaikan pandangan tentang pembelajaran yang menurunkan minat baca yang dilakukan rekan guru
  • menyampaikan pengalaman pribadi terkait strategi yang telah Anda terapkan untuk meningkatkan minat baca

45.  Bu Mince adalah guru Bahasa Inggris. Bu Mince bekerja sama dengan guru Matematika dan IPA untuk merancang pembelajaran (intrakurikuler) berbasis proyek terpadu yang menggabungkan ketiga mata pelajaran. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan analisis data dan pemahaman ilmiah siswa. Namun, Bu Mince khawatir bahwa fokus pada tujuan bersama ini akan membuat tujuan mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris menjadi kurang jelas. Apabila Anda adalah Bu Mince, yang akan Anda lakukan adalah ...

  • menyampaikan kekhawatirannya kepada rekan guru dan meminta mereka untuk menyesuaikan tujuan proyek agar lebih seimbang
  • mengusulkan proyek yang sepenuhnya terpisah dari tujuan bersama, agar tujuan Bahasa Inggris tetap jelas
  • berkolaborasi untuk merancang proyek yang mengintegrasikan keterampilan analisis data dengan penulisan laporan ilmiah dalam Bahasa Inggris
  • fokus pada tujuan bersama dan tidak terlalu memikirkan tujuan Bahasa Inggris, karena proyek ini bersifat terpadu
  • menyusun proyek dengan fokus utama pada keterampilan analisis data dan pemahaman ilmiah, aspek Bahasa Inggris sebagai tambahan

46.  Sekolah Anda menerima laporan bahwa salah satu guru terlibat dalam tindakan yang tidak etis dan mencemarkan nama baik sekolah. Kepala sekolah meminta Anda untuk menangani situasi ini. Yang akan Anda lakukan adalah

  • fokus pada nama baik sekolah dalam investigasi dan tindak lanjut hasil investigasi
  • melakukan investigasi serta tindak lanjut berdasarkan hasil investigasi
  • menutup-nutupi kejadian dan berharap masalahnya hilang dengan sendirinya
  • fokus pada pemulihan dan pengatasan trauma pada pihak-pihak yang dirugikan
  • fokus pada penyebab mengapa hal itu terjadi agar peristiwa serupa tidak terjadi di kemudian hari

47.  Di sekolah TNB, terdapat ketegangan antara Bu Mirna guru bahasa Indonesia dengan Pak Salim guru IPS terkait pelaksanaan pentas seni. Bu Mirna merasa bahwa Pak Salim dan beberapa guru muda lainnya tidak mengikuti saran atau instruksi yang diberikan. Sebaliknya, Pak Salim dan guru muda lainnya merasa bahwa Bu Mirna terlalu otoriter dan tidak mau menerima ide-ide baru yang mereka usulkan. Ketegangan ini menyebabkan suasana kerja menjadi tidak kondusif, dan komunikasi antara dua kelompok guru tersebut menjadi terhambat. Jika Anda sebagai bagian dari guru muda lainnya, bagaimana Anda akan mengatasi hal tersebut?

  • Melaporkan masalah ini kepada kepala sekolah agar dapat mengambil tindakan yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi ketegangan.
  • Mengadakan rapat terbuka yang dihadiri oleh seluruh staf pengajar untuk mendiskusikan masalah dan mengambil keputusan bersama.
  • Mengembangkan program mentoring di mana guru senior membimbing guru junior, sekaligus membuka ruang bagi guru junior untuk berbagi ide dan pendekatan baru.
  • Mengadakan pertemuan khusus antara Bu Mirna dan guru-guru muda untuk membahas permasalahan dan mencari solusi bersama.
  • Mengabaikan ketegangan dan tetap fokus pada tugas masing-masing dengan harapan masalah akan mereda dengan sendirinya.

48.  Pak Fadhil merupakan seorang ayah tunggal yang memiliki anak usia 4 tahun yang dititipkan di taman PAUD dekat sekolah tempat Pak Fadhil mengajar. Hari itu, Pak Fadhil memiliki jadwal mengajar mulai pagi hingga menjelang makan siang sementara pada saat yang bersamaan Pak Fadhil mendapat undangan rapat MGMP dan anaknya mengikuti lomba mewarnai yang akan dimulai pagi. Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika berada di posisi Pak Fadhil?

  • Mengantarkan anak ke sekolah lebih awal, mengajar seperti biasa lalu menghadiri rapat MGMP walau terlambat dan meminta kerabat untuk mendampingi anak di lomba mewarnai.
  • Meminta izin kepada kepala sekolah untuk menghadiri rapat MGMP dan meninggalkan kelas sebentar untuk mendampingi anaknya di lomba mewarnai.
  • Menyusun jadwal pengganti dengan sesama guru untuk mengajar di kelas, sehingga bisa fokus mendampingi anaknya di lomba mewarnai dan menghadiri rapat MGMP.
  • Mengatur jadwal mengajar dengan sesama guru agar bisa menghadiri lomba mewarnai anaknya sebentar, kemudian kembali mengajar dan menghadiri rapat MGMP.
  • Meminta izin kepada kepala sekolah untuk tidak mengikuti rapat MGMP dan fokus mengajar serta mendampingi anaknya di lomba mewarnai.

49. Pak Heri adalah seorang guru yang ramah dan mudah akrab dengan peserta didik. Suatu hari, seorang peserta didik melapor ke ruang BK bahwa ia melihat Pak Heri sedang berbincang berdua dengan seorang siswi perempuan sepulang sekolah. Pak Heri juga terlihat akrab dan tidak menjaga jarak dengan siswi tersebut. Situasi tersebut berkembang menjadi isu yang cepat tersebar di kalangan siswa dan guru. Jika Pak Heri menanyai Anda sebagai sesama guru perihal situasi tersebut, sikap yang sebaiknya Anda lakukan adalah

  • Mengingatkan Pak Heri tentang pentingnya menjaga jarak profesional dengan siswa untuk menghindari situasi serupa di masa depan.
  • Menyarankan Pak Heri untuk berbicara dengan siswa-siswi untuk menjelaskan bahwa tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan.
  • Menyampaikan dukungan Anda kepada Pak Heri dan menyarankan agar dia tidak perlu khawatir dengan isu tersebut.
  • Menghindari terlibat dalam masalah tersebut dengan mengatakan kepada Pak Heri bahwa Anda tidak tahu apa-apa tentang situasinya.
  • Memberitahu Pak Heri bahwa sebaiknya dia segera mengadakan pertemuan dengan kepala sekolah untuk memberikan klarifikasi.

50. Bu Vina merupakan guru yang baru dipindahkan ke sekolah lain. Ada peserta didik yang cepat memahami pelajaran, sementara yang lainnya memerlukan waktu lebih lama untuk memahami materi yang sama. Bagaimana sikap yang paling tepat bagi Bu Vina dalam menghadapi situasi ini?

  • Menyampaikan kepada peserta didik bahwa mereka harus belajar lebih keras agar bisa menyamai teman-temannya yang lebih cepat memahami.
  • Mengadakan diskusi dengan seluruh kelas untuk menemukan metode belajar yang paling nyaman untuk semua peserta didik.
  • Mengajak peserta didik yang lebih cepat memahami untuk membantu teman-temannya yang memerlukan lebih banyak waktu.
  • Membagi peserta didik berdasarkan kemampuan mereka dan memberikan materi yang berbeda sesuai tingkat kemampuan masing-masing.
  • Mengabaikan perbedaan tersebut dan memberikan pelajaran dengan cara yang sama untuk semua peserta didik.